



1: 風吹けば名無し 2020/07/14(火) 13:11:07.27 ID:BX9rQbbFd.net
Sexual arousal and arousability to pedophilic stimuli in a community sample of normal men

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Self-reported and physiological sexual arousal to adult and pedophilic stimuli were examined among 80 men drawn from a community sample of volunteers.
Over ¼ of the current subjects self-reported pedophilic interest or exhibited penile arousal to pedophilic stimuli that equalled or exceeded arousal to adult stimuli.
The hypothesis that arousal to pedophilic stimuli is a function of general sexual arousability factors was supported in that pedophilic and adult heterosexual arousal were positively correlated, particularly in the physiological data.
Subjects who were highly arousable, insofar as they were unable to voluntarily and completely inhibit their sexual arousal, were more sexually aroused by all stimuli than were subjects who were able to inhibit their sexual arousal.
Thus, arousal to pedophilic stimuli does not necessarily correspond with pedophilic behavior.


Source: 妹はVIPPER

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