

【速報】登山家・栗城史多さん(36) エベレストで死亡 


1:名無しさん@涙目です。(やわらか銀行) [CR]:2018/05/21(月) 13:41:32.39 ID:popWDw6B0 BE:228348493-PLT(16000)

BREAKING: Japanese climber Nobukazu Kuriki found dead on Mt Everest
Published: May 21, 2018 9:01 am On: Nepal

Japanese climber Nobukazu Kuriki has been found dead at Camp II on Mt Everest this morning,
multiple sources at the Mt Everest base camp confirmed.
Sherpa climbers found the 36-year-old Japanese alpinist dead in his camp,
a base camp officer told THT over phone.
Efforts are underway to airlift Kuriki’s body from the high camp, he added.

Earlier, Kuriki had given up the fifth bid on Mt Everest after four unsuccessful autumn
climbing attempts in the previous years as he lost his nine fingers
to frostbite in 2012 before abandoning the final summit push.

According to Tikaram Gurung, Managing Director at Bochi Bochi Treks,
Kuriki along with four Sherpa guides had headed to the higher camps
to make the final summit push on Mt Everest.

Most of the posts Kuriki shared on his Facebook page indicated that
he suffered from cough and cold. “I am here at 7,400 metres now.
Now, I feel the pain and difficulty in this Mountain and I’m up and up.
I want to make it very carefully,” one of his latest posts read.

Kuriki reportedly wanted to make a solo attempt on Mt Everest without using
Sherpa support and bottled oxygen this season.
Confirming the incident, Gyanendra Shrestha, a liaison officer at the Mt Everest base camp,
said the definitive cause of his death has not been ascertained yet.

2:名無しさん@涙目です。(大阪府) [US]:2018/05/21(月) 13:43:08.75 ID:jl77j7LH0

指失ってからずっと おつかれ

3:名無しさん@涙目です。(茸) [ID]:2018/05/21(月) 13:43:59.81 ID:KVv9ZVl70


5:名無しさん@涙目です。(dion軍) [CN]:2018/05/21(月) 13:45:28.49 ID:Bq7LVirX0


7:名無しさん@涙目です。(catv?) [US]:2018/05/21(月) 13:46:53.15 ID:ygW2242q0



Source: ラビット速報

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